
public extension Bundle

The Bundle extensions provide convenient properties to access information from the main bundle.

  • The display name of the main bundle.

    This property retrieves the value of the CFBundleDisplayName key from the main bundle’s info dictionary.


    let name = Bundle.main.displayName
    print("App Name: \(name)")



    var displayName: String { get }

    Return Value

    A string representing the display name of the main bundle. If the key is not present or the value is not a string, an empty string is returned.

  • The bundle identifier of the main bundle.

    This property retrieves the value of the CFBundleIdentifier key from the main bundle’s info dictionary.


    let identifier = Bundle.main.bundleIdentifier
    print("Bundle Identifier: \(identifier)")



    var bundleIdentifier: String { get }

    Return Value

    A string representing the bundle identifier of the main bundle. If the key is not present or the value is not a string, an empty string is returned.

  • The build version number of the main bundle.

    This property retrieves the value of the CFBundleVersion key from the main bundle’s info dictionary.


    let buildVersion = Bundle.main.buildVersionNumber
    print("Build Version: \(buildVersion)")



    var buildVersionNumber: String { get }

    Return Value

    A string representing the build version number of the main bundle. If the key is not present or the value is not a string, an empty string is returned.

  • The build release number of the main bundle.

    This property retrieves the value of the CFBundleShortVersionString key from the main bundle’s info dictionary.


    let releaseVersion = Bundle.main.buildReleaseNumber
    print("Release Version: \(releaseVersion)")



    var buildReleaseNumber: String { get }

    Return Value

    A string representing the build release number of the main bundle. If the key is not present or the value is not a string, an empty string is returned.